Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Dear Val...

I have plenty of ideas on things to blog about, but I want to write about things that interest you, my readers, so I figure until I am completely consumed by writing and such, I can take the time to answer individual questions from people personally. If you have a question or something you would like me to write about, feel free to leave a comment here, or on my Facebook fan and group pages, and I will be glad to answer them.

My awesome cousin Val wrote: Blog about your inspiration to write- the people that you've met in life that have influenced you.

Dear Val,

I'd have to say that my #1 inspiration has been my husband. Besides the fact that he reads a book a week, is very intelligent, and supports me to no end, he also turned me on to reading again when I had stopped completely. When we met, I wasn't much of a reader... felt like I had better things to do. He encouraged me through example, not words, which is more than I can say about anyone in my life who has ever tried to get me to read something. I love him even more for that because when you are a writer, reading is just as important as writing.

My second inspiration comes from reading a book. While I'm in a book, I feel like I'm really there. Like I know the characters and places. Like I can relate to them in some way or another. Like I care about them. That all-too-real feeling of having stepped into another world and having somehow gone through the trials the characters face is all consuming... to the point that when I finish reading a story, I feel sad about saying goodbye to the characters and places. I think that's how it is for most people. You develop a personal connection to the entire story and it's like you've left a part of yourself there when it's over. Which, I think, is why most people love series. Each installment brings you back to that part of yourself that you once left behind. It's a great feeling, and I will never stop reading again because of it. I want to give that feeling to people. Let them walk around in my imagined world and feel like they belong.

As far as influential people I've met, my husband is at the front of the line again, but there are many more. I've always known that my mother has a gift with words. She is a poet among other things and her talent has impressed me many times. There are also writers on my Dad's side of the family, Teri Robinson (one of the screenwriters of the film I was just in) is one, and very talented as well. Friends and family influence me more than I can say. The support that they provide, and even the ones who want to keep me firmly planted in reality by pointing out just how difficult it is to get published, in one way or another, you all play an important role in my writing.

I also think that the authors of the books I read influence me. Although I've never met most of them, I still feel like I have met them while reading their books... because I know from experience how much of yourself you put in the written words on the page. I was fortunate enough to meet one of my favorite authors, Richelle Mead. The experience was short, but nice.

I'd have to say everyone I've ever known, know, and will know, have the ability to influence my writing. Corny as it may sound, I am a student of life, always learning, growing, and most importantly, living. It would be impossible for me not to write a book without including life lessons I've learned. Everyone around has played a role in those lessons in some way or another. And, I'm happy to say, most people in my life have been positive.

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