Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Cover Ideas

This may seem preemptive, but anyone who knows me well, probably saw it coming. I am a creative, artistic kind of person, and I've been trying to think up a cover for MIND'S EYE ever since I finished writing it (a year ago). I fiddled around with it yesterday and drew up a rough sketch. This is what I came up with: Cypress trees framing a view of the New Orleans skyline over the gulf. The eye pretty much speaks for itself. In the teardrop bellow the eye is a gun.

I'd like for you to vote on which cover you like more.

I know that for people who have never read the book, this might be a hard decision, but I'm only asking you which cover you find ascetically pleasing. Like I said, it's a little rough around the edges and not at a professional level in any way. In fact, the pictures were taken with my phone because I'm having computer issues that are making picture downloading take like a year. I am just curious to see what people think.

I should also clarify that when I get the book published, the publisher will probably not use this design, but will hire a professional artist to do the cover art. That being said, if I were to try to self-publish the book, then I am one step ahead by having a cover ready. I want to do this the old fashioned way: get my book published by a publishing house, but I'm not going to rule out any options this early in the game.

I know there is a way to set up a poll on this blog, but I haven't figured it out yet, so just leave your vote in the form of a comment below this blog entry. Thanks for your opinion!
We'll call this one: Cover Idea 1

Cover Idea 2

Cover Idea 3

Cover Idea 4

Just a little side note: I have begun writing the sequel to MIND'S EYE and have already written 50 pages in the last week. Does this mean I can finish writing it in 8 weeks? Nope. The reason it is going so smoothly is because the plot-line for this book (still untitled) has been running through my head since I finished MIND'S EYE. I'm sure I'll run into kinks and writers block, not to mention the personal life stuff that has a tendency to interrupt the writing process, but so far, so good!


  1. I like cover #1 - something about the darkness...the mystery...

  2. Cover 4 would be my pick ( w/out even knowing what the book is about).

  3. I like one and four. One because of the darkness and mystery it exudes(red lettering), but four because it is more crisp and inviting(black lettering on white).
