Monday, March 15, 2010

If at first you don't succeed...

Try again as many times as it takes!

Ok, so not a lot has happened since I last blogged. I got the green light from a couple of friends to send my query letter out. I sent it out on March 1st and received my very first rejection letter March 11th.

At first, the feeling of rejection was hard to swallow. Then reality came back to me and I realized that the chances of actually being accepted upon sending out my very first query letter were slimmer than slim. Then a friend pointed out that the first rejection letter is like initiation into the writing world. Something to be celebrated! Now I know what it feels like, I know how to handle it and I know how to move forward.

The agent I had queried is very reputable and successful. He’s a busy guy and more than likely, there is no room on his client list for someone new. I’m not saying that my letter was perfect and impossible to resist—I’m sure it wasn’t—but that I wrote it expressly for the agent I sent it to, and he was probably too busy to read it. So, more than likely, a secretary or assistant read it and sent the rejection form letter.

Moving along… I am going to completely revise my query package to the requirements of the next agent on my list. She is just as reputable and successful. I will take my time and do it right. More to come…

Meanwhile, I have begun working on the next installment of the series I am writing. This is my favorite step in the writing process. I sit back and watch a story flow out of my imagination through unbridled creativity and the use of my right brain. Literally anything can happen!

I am a visual person and as much as I may try, I am unable to operate off a written outline while writing. I prefer a large corkboard divided into 35 sections. Each section is a chapter and can hold up to 4 mini index cards. Each card has a plotline, or just an event I don’t want to leave out. The use of a corkboard allows me to move events/plotlines around if they don’t fit somewhere or work better somewhere else. Here is what it looks like:

A thing of beauty, I know! At least that’s what I see when I look at it. So, I’ll keep you updated as soon as something else happens.


  1. Hello Courtney,
    My name is Kayla and I went to school with your brothers. I just wanted to say good luck with everything. I have dreams of becoming a published author also. I hope you don't mind if I follow you.. :) I found you through facebook. Anyways, good luck with everything and I hope to see your name on shelves someday!

  2. Hi Courtney, Maybe I didn't do it right... not familiar with blogging. A rejection letter is one of the most common experiences of even the best writers. I have received a couple myself... but I dropped it and moved on... had my children, raised a family and several other experiences I won't go into...
    You have the right idea of letting your trusted friends reading your writing and letters and such. Trusted friends are jewels in your writers crown. Remember to be kind to them and polish them frequently so their shine and friendship will last for ages. Guess I would not be your first choice to review these things for you because I am sure I would be a little prejudiced in your favor. Really impressed with your chapter planning board... it looks a bit like my project board! Ha Ha!!
    Be brave and rest assured that I think you are wonderful! Hope that counts for something!

  3. Kayla- Of course you can follow me. That's what this blog is here for. Also, if you have any questions, feel free to email me at I'd love to hear from you!

    Mom- Thanks for always being supportive. You're right about my reasons for not soliciting your input on the letters. Also, 2 of these friends are reasonably established writers who know the ropes a little better. I really want to see the look on your face when I present my newly published, personally autographed, first edition to you. It will be that much more special if you've never read it.
